History of the area

The county was formed in 1872 from parts of Beaufort and Craven counties. It was named for the Pamlico Sound, which adjoins it. Vernacular usage in the area, especially in Craven County, refers to Pamlico County as being “down in the county.”  After it was separated from Craven, the old nickname survives. Pamlico County remains rural in character and flavor, although the last decade has brought a good deal of residential development, largely the result of northern retirees and investors attracted to the many miles of waterfront property.

History of Bay Shores

The Bay Shores Estates was initially established by Raymond & Ann Dunn in March 1984 subsequently taken over by Live Oak Development Company (Dean Scarafoni), in January 1995 who revised the initial Covenants and added Phase II, lots 1A-9A that are approximately ten acres each.

Sometime in 1998 we became the Bay Shores Property Owners Association, a Private Sub Division of 33 physical lots, 32 of which pay Association Dues.

The first house built in the sub division was at 9 Bay Point Rd in 1986, a water front lot.  A new owner purchased the house in 2002 and updated it.

Some of the original owners are still here; other properties have had a turnover of two or three times bringing in fresh energy and still remaining community oriented.

Our beginnings...